Sunday, September 25, 2011


So I'm starting to get bored in updating my Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts. I don't know. I just feel like there has to be something new out there. Though I know Google + has just been released and I already got into Pottermore even if it's still not October.

I can't access Google + because I'm still not 18. I'm only 17 and it does not hurt me if I just wait for 7 months for me to register of an account. Though Facebook keeps updating its site, I still want something new about it that makes me want to stay there even longer. Twitter... Ahhhh.. Though I talk to people there I wan't to see something new also from their account. Tumblr. Well I love Tumblr. Though I hate the new theme because I still don't know what the other buttons do and well.. I get tired of seeing the same old post of the new ones that their reblogging.

I have this. Blogger but this one is a continuous account. I have something in mind that make me want to blog about it though the design of the site is kind of old for me. Though, I'm staying here.


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