Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Been having weird, vivid, brutal and scary dreams. 

The other day [Monday], I dreamed that I was with my block mate and we were hiding from my other block mate which is kind of weird because she's the person in our block that doesn't talk much. Anyway, she was looking for us, I think trying to kill us? She hit my block mate [the one I was with in the first place] in the gut with a knife and couldn't get up so I was the one left. I tried to hit her too, but also confused why I was doing it in the first place. Then I woke up. I was really breathing hard.

The next day [Tuesday], I couldn't remember what I dreamed about but what I know is, it’s a brutal one again. 

Then this morning [Wednesday], I dreamed that I was in school I think or at home doing something then our house got a attacked.. And I don't remember it anymore. 
It’s scary to think that I've been dreaming things like that for 3 days straight. I haven't watched any scary movies or even attempted to watch one. I have just been busy with school and being emotionally emotional. lol. I don't know... I'm just sad these days... Hope I won't dream like that again tonight. 

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