Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Half part of my interview with David Guison last September 3!

 Ever since David was young, he was already passionate about art like painting, and drawing. He even started out at the back of his math notebook. He also tried other activities like dancing and would even join competitions back in the day and also Photography except for Singing. He admitted to us that singing is not for him. David also explained to us that he was inspired to be an art student because there are so many things that you can focus and try until you find your niche. He chose De La Salle College of Saint Benilde because it was his first choice and according to him, everyday you could always find a reason to be inspired because the building is white and he thinks of it as a white canvas and it is especially made for devoted and passionate artist.
In balancing his social life with his family, and work he says that time management will always be present. David also feels those days where he just wants to hide or take a break from everything but other than that he is deeply blessed with every chance that God is giving him.
As we said earlier, David is one of the Brand Ambassadors of the well-known brands around the world called Forever 21. I asked him if he ever felt awkward knowing that he was the only guy in the group. He answered that at first it was hard for him because he didn’t know that bloggers like him get that much attention, privilege and opportunities to attend public or private parties. Even up to now he feels weird about people coming up to him and ask for his picture or autograph. He also told us one experience where he was wandering about in the mall only wearing home clothes and a group of people approached him and ask him why was he wearing those clothes then asked for his picture.
David told us that he put up a blog because in the first place,  his blog was mainly to serve as back up for his files, photos and such. He was already gaining a lot of followers and getting a lot of feedbacks that he takes really good pictures even if he said to us that he was only posting random things that he founds inside their house. One day, one follower suggested that he should also blog about his life, his view in fashion and he did.
We also asked that did he ever thought that he would be this famous and he simply said that, for him, he still isn’t successful but still learning about the world and he is just blessed. The David Guison ended our interview with him with the quote and also an inspiring advice, “Finish what you have started…”

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