Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My interview with my neighbor Ina Villanueva last Sept 8!

By: Marishtelle Burgos

Czarina Villanueva is a frosh student in De La Salle University – Main. She’s taking up the course AB Applied Sciences and is currently adjust thing with the co-ed culture and still taking all in the college vibes. She is a 16 year old fashionista and a photography lover. She loves and treasures her family and friends. She takes every single possible chance that is present and does not let anyone affect or ruin her.

I interviewed her on a Saturday evening at their house for her to give us information on what is going on with her in college, how was it, and a little about their home.

As we said earlier, she’s just a freshman at DLSU-Main and told us that it feels good because back in High School, everyday they would follow the same class schedule and their teachers would give them bundles of assignments. But now in College, she compared that she has lesser classes. Ina sometimes feels out of place because she feels like ‘it is not the place to be right now.’ But with the help of her new sets of friends she’s able to make it through.

Czarina came from an Exclusive school during her Elementary and High School days; she’s still having a hard time adjusting to the culture because the fact that before she wasn’t around with that much just boys but that thought her to be more open and friendlier.

We all know that DLSU does not follow any school uniform nor does not pay attention with what the La Sallians wear every day for school. Czarina also worries on what she’s going to wear for school because she want to look presentable in everyone’s eyes every day for them to have a good impression on her. But at times, she has those lazy days where she just wears jeans and a normal shirt and adds some accessories to brighten up her style a little. Her closet is mainly composed of the imported brands like Forever 21, Zara and H & M. She told us that she also goes to thrift shops like in Green Hills and 168 and finds good deals at those places.

Czarina’s home is not far from us but really right next to our home. At first, their home was just like any other up and down home but as years went by her Dad would always make changes about their home and make it even more pleasant to look at and you would get this feeling like you’re curious on what it looks on the inside. Every time they do changes with their home, my reasons changes (of course!). For me, it’s a big house and really enough for them to spend quality time with each other. She told me that their house is not grand thinks of it as a space for her family to relax and spend time. But most of the times, it’s quiet. With all the wonderful thing and people that can be found and meet in their home, Ina told us that she treasures everyone and everything in it because with one person or thing missing their home would not be the same without it. 

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