Monday, September 19, 2011


Some people are just to busy to search for something they need, so they end up asking someone to do it for them. In my case, I always get caught in those situations especially when there's an assignment or project coming in.

They would ask me where I could find this link and definition of blah, so I search it in Google. It's weird that they're already online and could not search it by themselves. Sometimes, I wonder if they're just being lazy or they really want me to do that assignment for them.

I'm not that smart really. I also get failing grades like last semester I got 3 failing grades which were Psychology, Statistics, and Business Information Technology. I got a bit sad about BIT because I did my best there, I didn't cut class nor missed a paper work she gave us. Still she gave me a 4.0 grade which is already a failing grade in our school.

So... Its just sad that I have to worry about what other people are worrying. I'm already done with that assignment like 2 days ago or just a day ago. I would always be a day ahead... not unless I procrastinate and end up doing it the night before. Though, I only do it to the subjects I don't like that much. Anyway, so that I don't have to worry about anything a night before the deadline. And also, I could have a good night sleep and be good vibes at school.

That's it! :)

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