Thursday, October 6, 2011

I don't know what to do anymore.

Maybe this is going to sound a bit crazy because, I've fallen for two guys whom I don't know for each of them if they love me back. Guy 1 is sweet and really showie with his feelings towards me. I've been telling my friends about what's happening with us and if there's any improvement between our relationship. And I can't believe that, they're really saying is that there is really something going on between us. Though, I still doubt that.

Then there's Guy 2 whom is almost like Guy 1 in such way that he's also sweet to me though he often talks to me and that gets me sad. Really. Guy 2's Dad is my Dad's best friend and I can't help but wonder what if that we really became real. I mean, in a relationship. I just can't imagine meeting up with his Dad because I'm close with his Dad too. Though... I've only really known him for a month and that is still not enough for me to really love him. We've already meet for a couple of time because of my best friend whom was they were class mates during high school.

On the other hand, Guy 1, I haven't any of his friends, nor meet his parents. I think that he doesn't have the guts. Just maybe and I've meet him only just once but I've already known him for almost a year. We keep tabs with each other through Facebook and texting. RF: We always text other.

Ehhh, I guess that's it?


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