Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So today, I didn't stayed in the internet for the whole day. Instead, I did a few chores to help around the house since it's my term break.

This is my 2nd time today to go online the first one was from 9:10am to 10:30am. I literally got nothing to do in the internet since all my accounts are all up to date and there's not much to wait for. So I logged of and did these...

  • First off, I cleaned the kitchen because my brother still haven't washed the dishes from last night. Took me only a short time to clean them up.
  • Then, I cooked soup and rice for me and my brother's lunch since we still haven't ate. Though, we're on time for lunch. If you know what I mean.
  • I cleaned the plates and utensils that I/We used.
  • I watched a little TV to pass time.
  • Ended with reading a book. It's The Secret Circle Book 1. This is my 3rd time to read it again because on the 1st and 2nd. I was not really reading but only scanning it. I ended up only getting a few good parts

So now, I'm logging off again because it's almost dinner time, I need to cook rice for the whole family since Mommy and Daddy are going to arrive in a while from work.

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