Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blogging for the sake of having something to do before I go to bed.

At this very moment. I feel so alone. I just felt it minutes ago. I guess I noticed it when no one talks to me on facebook anymore, I don't make an effort to see my High School friends any more. Though, I was with them last Wednesday, still I felt alone. I was only talking to 3-4 people yet we were all 9 who gathered together that day.  I maybe a little picky but somehow I trust them with everything that I tell them. Even though we don't see each other that much nor text each other, chat thru facebook or skype together but still we make it to a point that we still have that closeness ones we see each other - all of us - in person.

I felt that thing again where I was surrounded by lots of people yet I still feel alone. Will I ever find someone who will be with me till the very end? I maybe too young to know that answer but still I want to know. I want to know if I'd end up successful, the way my parents would be proud of me, my so called friends would look up to me, I would get to help my Mom's side parents because they really need all the help they could get, and lastly will I ever experience true love?

I just want to know... I'm still waiting for God to give me sign and never will I be impatient before the time he will give me that answer. Good night everybody.


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