Friday, October 21, 2011

Bravest thing I've done in my entire exsistence.

I somewhat applied to Princeton University in New Jersey, USA and in University of Queensland at Australia hoping for a scholarship that I could join into. Still haven't got a reply from which though I'm expecting...

I only asked them If there's any scholarship program that I could join in even if I failed 3 subjects last year and semester. And also told them when I am going to re-take those subjects because it's required in our curriculum. I haven't told them why I choose their University but though its pretty obvious already for Princeton but for University of Queensland I kindda just want to be with my friend whom is also from the Philippine who went there to study.

Colleges in the Philippines is a bit hard to understand because there's my school which they base the grading by 1.0 (1.2, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.2,...) being the highest and 4.0 being a failing grade. I don't know why but understanding A++ and F is more easier for me to explain than any. I know a college here in PH which their grading system is like that. San Juan De Dios in Pasay City and St. Scholastica in Manila.

I don't plan on telling my parents what I did today, I'll tell them If I get accepted or either get a good news reply. I'm still looking for good universities in abroad because... I don't know it just popped out in my head that I want to study abroad. Ugh, I must be going crazy already.


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