Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I haven't posted something for Months now.

So, its been a pretty good semester though I've really just been relaxing my way through this semester. I'm afraid that I might even flunk my Macro Economics because I mean really our Professor doesn't teach well, nothing goes to my head and I don't even tend to listen to her during class though I still try. 

Anyway, My life has been pretty much fun because I've been busy and trying to focus more on school, I still get things done on time and I still find time to have fun. Its been soo long since I've written something and now I'm struggling to put words into sentence and make them interesting to read.

Oh by the way, have I mentioned that my laptop broke a month ago? So I've been using my brother's net book for school and social networking sites. I'm online almost all day but I still update from time to time just so people think that I'm still not left our on anything.

I feel like I have nothing to right anymore, so I'll just check by later today or tomorrow after I get home from a party.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Haven't blogged for weeks now.

Been so busy ever since school started.

Anyway, I'll try to blog about something tomorrow since I'll be home at around 3pm.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

100 Days Photo Challenge

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 08 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of someone you do the craziest things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of your favorite store
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of someone that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of the sexiest Woman alive
Day 19 - A picture of something you love to do.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you never leave the house without
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of someone you miss
Day 25 - A picture of you from last year
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of your favorite night
Day 28 - A picture of your favorite place in the world
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of your favorite quote
Day 31 - A picture of food you made
Day 32 - A picture of what you did today
Day 33 - A picture of somewhere you went today
Day 34 - A picture of your favorite morning
Day 35 - A picture of your hometown
Day 36 - A picture of your pet
Day 37 - A picture taken at school
Day 38 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 39 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 40 - A picture of your friends
Day 41 - A picture of your favorite weather
Day 42 - A picture of you listening to music
Day 43 - A picture of you celebrating
Day 44 - A picture that describes your life
Day 45 - A picture of your favorite cartoon character
Day 46 - A picture that you edited
Day 47 - A picture of your favorite animal
Day 48 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 49 - A picture of you and your best friend(s)
Day 50 - A picture of yourself
Day 51 - A picture of you wearing sunglasses
Day 52 - A picture of you dressed up
Day 53 - A picture of you in a car
Day 54 - A picture of you on your last vacation
Day 55 - A picture of you with a date
Day 56 - A picture of you all bundled up
Day 57 - A picture of you in your backyard
Day 58 - A picture of your hair all done
Day 59 - A picture of you at prom
Day 60 - A picture of you at a sports game
Day 61 - A picture of you in the fall
Day 62 - A picture of you on a ride
Day 63 - A picture of luggage
Day 64 - A picture of you at work
Day 65 - A picture of you at a park
Day 66 - A picture of you in the air
Day 66 - A picture of you doing something childish
Day 67 - A picture of you falling
Day 68 - A picture of you outside
Day 69 - A picture of a crazy night out
Day 70 - A picture of someone you don’t go a day without talking to
Day 71 - A picture of you with people you work with
Day 72 - A picture of you with unbelievable scenery
Day 73 - A picture of you somewhere warm
Day 74 - A picture taken professionally
Day 75 - A picture of you receiving a reward
Day 76 - A picture of you drinking something
Day 77 - A picture of you and friends making silly faces
Day 78 - A picture of you in the dark
Day 79 - A picture of you in the water
Day 80 - A picture of you and someone you love being silly
Day 81 - A picture of you with a character
Day 82 - A picture of someone you love asleep
Day 83 - A picture of you and a teammate
Day 84 - A picture of a school project
Day 85 - A picture of your favorite holiday
Day 86 - A picture of someone who helps you with school
Day 87 - A picture of someone you grew up with
Day 88 - A picture of your dream car
Day 89 - A picture of you at a hotel
Day 90 - A picture of you wearing your favorite color
Day 91 - A picture of you and your friends playing a game
Day 92 - A picture of your school
Day 93 - A picture of your favorite board game
Day 94 - A picture of you and your friends eating
Day 95 - A picture of you on a plane
Day 96 - A picture of your favorite movie
Day 97 - A picture of something you no longer have
Day 98 - A picture of you and your friends out somewhere
Day 99 - A picture that was first on your facebook.
Day 100 - A picture of you smiling

I'll start tomorrow or maybe later. If I find time later or when we get home from Batangas. Whichever.  :)


Blogging for the sake of having something to do before I go to bed.

At this very moment. I feel so alone. I just felt it minutes ago. I guess I noticed it when no one talks to me on facebook anymore, I don't make an effort to see my High School friends any more. Though, I was with them last Wednesday, still I felt alone. I was only talking to 3-4 people yet we were all 9 who gathered together that day.  I maybe a little picky but somehow I trust them with everything that I tell them. Even though we don't see each other that much nor text each other, chat thru facebook or skype together but still we make it to a point that we still have that closeness ones we see each other - all of us - in person.

I felt that thing again where I was surrounded by lots of people yet I still feel alone. Will I ever find someone who will be with me till the very end? I maybe too young to know that answer but still I want to know. I want to know if I'd end up successful, the way my parents would be proud of me, my so called friends would look up to me, I would get to help my Mom's side parents because they really need all the help they could get, and lastly will I ever experience true love?

I just want to know... I'm still waiting for God to give me sign and never will I be impatient before the time he will give me that answer. Good night everybody.


Monday, October 24, 2011

I just don't feel like being in the internet all day anymore.

One time, I did this and I have accomplished so many things!

But, before I go, I'd just like to update about this week and what's going to happen.

Today is Tuesday here in the Philippines. Its technically my rest day so I just finished watching the newest episode of Gossip Girl earlier. I hated this episode. Maybe because I don't like Blair's fiancee. But uhh anyway, I'll be trying to clean my room and my book case today so that it would look presentable when my cousin's  have their sleepover here on Friday to who-knows-when.

Then, Wednesday, we're going to watch Praybet Benjamin at a near by SM mall with my High School buddies. I still haven't told Mom though she's also going to watch but after office hours.

On Thursday, I think my Kuya's high school 4th year classmates are coming over to make some sushi again. They almost nailed their first try last week. So that's cool.

Friday... I'll be going to meet  up with my cousin's at SM Megamall. Catch up with them, bond, watch Paranormal Activity and maybe get to see Nicholas Sparks for his book signing here in the Philippines. I hope we get a picture with him.

Then on Monday, Oct 31 we're going to Batangas to mourn because we won't be able to go there on November 1 because we'll be at Marikina on that day. Dad doesn't want to visit anymore at his province and first home because even though we all know he's the one who's right about things, he ends up being wrong. Bashed in such way that ppl rant about him. Anyway, I don't want to talk about it anymore.

But, I'll try to blog on... Friday night when I get home from my where about.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

I stayed up really late last night. I was just browsing through profile pages on Facebook then my stomach grumbled. So out of no where I posted a status saying, "Inaantok na ako pero nagugutom ako." [trasnlation: I'm already sleepy yet I want to eat.]

After a few minutes, my cousin in the North liked my status. Then after a few moments again, my... Crush, Rob, liked it also. I instantly got hyped and lost the sleepy feeling. I gave in around 1:15am. I shut down my laptop, went to the toilet then tucked my self to bed. I prayed first then sent him a text saying, "Uso din matulog. :P" [meaning: Its bad to stay up super late] I didn't wait for his text because I was really sleepy already.

When I woke up around 8am, not my usual wake up call, I looked for my phone because I'm expecting for a reply. I got one from him, he says that I'm the one who should be sleeping already. I replied and said that, I already slept after I sent him that text. He says that that good because Its bad for a girl like me to always stay up that late. Dont know why he said that.

I really like that guy, before we always see each other but now, because he's really busy with school he doesn't find time anymore to meet up with his 'friends' like me. One time I was just trolling around manila near his school, I sent him a text saying that I'm near Mapua and asked if he's busy. He said he was and said sorry and that he would make bawi nalang to me. I am still expecting that bawi.

I know that there's really something going on between us because I could really feel it. Even if were just texting each other or only in facebook. I really get super awkward around him when I'm with him personally. Ugghhh. I don't even want to remember anymore. Haha.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Bravest thing I've done in my entire exsistence.

I somewhat applied to Princeton University in New Jersey, USA and in University of Queensland at Australia hoping for a scholarship that I could join into. Still haven't got a reply from which though I'm expecting...

I only asked them If there's any scholarship program that I could join in even if I failed 3 subjects last year and semester. And also told them when I am going to re-take those subjects because it's required in our curriculum. I haven't told them why I choose their University but though its pretty obvious already for Princeton but for University of Queensland I kindda just want to be with my friend whom is also from the Philippine who went there to study.

Colleges in the Philippines is a bit hard to understand because there's my school which they base the grading by 1.0 (1.2, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.2,...) being the highest and 4.0 being a failing grade. I don't know why but understanding A++ and F is more easier for me to explain than any. I know a college here in PH which their grading system is like that. San Juan De Dios in Pasay City and St. Scholastica in Manila.

I don't plan on telling my parents what I did today, I'll tell them If I get accepted or either get a good news reply. I'm still looking for good universities in abroad because... I don't know it just popped out in my head that I want to study abroad. Ugh, I must be going crazy already.
